Italian genealogy by Stefania Fangarezzi

professional genealogist

Who is behind Italian genealogy

Who I am

Stefania Fangarezzi obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Foreigner Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna and has lived in Florence for almost twenty years.

Her love for genealogy, supported by her knowledge of Linguistics, originates from a strong interest in History and her ability to connect the events of History with everyday stories, as told in old records and documents.

She is a Sworn Translator of English Language at the Court of Florence and collaborates as a professional genealogist with Italian agencies of Genealogy and Heraldry services.

Participations and interviews

Participation in the VII International Conference of Genealogy, Modena 12 November 2016 with the topic on "La raccolta dello stato civile della Toscana conservata presso l'Archivio di Stato di Firenze".

Participation in the XI International Conference of Genealogy 2020 with the topic on The 1841 census of Tuscany.

Gianfranco Manescalchi quoted in the magazine La Toscana nuova in relation to his work on the Malaspina in relation to the attestation of this family in Mugello and Florence.

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